Holy Shit Snacks and Green Russians

Nerdy Costume Sidekicks

Some of you are dorks. Full-fledged, no-shame dorks. And I love you for that.

You dorks that will be dressing up as your favorite TV, movie, book or video game characters for halloween… I love you even more.

A lot of us don our dorky little costumes and then go off to a house party at a friend’s place (or even host one ourselves). For those of you who do, I think taking a treat themed to your costume is a great way to go above and beyond the expectations of nerdy-party goer.

As such, I’m offering up some of my favorite theme recipes to go with the costumes you guys are planning.

Bacon and Poovey

Bacon and Poovey

Last year, I went as Pam Poovey of Archer fame. (My mad genius husband, appropriately, went as Dr. Krieger.) The perfect recipes to go with my costume were my Shit Snacks (no actual shit was harmed in the making of these snacks) and a nice big pitcher of Green Russians.

With this being the Halloween after the Guardians of the Galaxy take over, I have a feeling we will be seeing a great deal of Groots and Rockets bounding about this weekend. To this, I suggest making up some Groot Bark. Super easy to transport and even easier to devour.

I feel like Game of Thrones costumes are a little overlooked since it’s always the show’s off-season come time for Halloween. But for those of you braving Red and Purple Wedding costumes this year, be sure to whip up some Jon Snow BallsDire Wolf Puppy Chow, or a pitcher of Fire God Margaritas.

Transformers is timeless. Not even Michael Bay can ruin it. So for all of you Optimus Primes and you Slutty Arcees out there (you know you were thinking about it) pack up some Bumble Brie and Thundercrackers. It’s a huge crowd pleaser and takes little-to-no effort to make.

Futurama may be dead, but it is not forgotten. I’ve always wanted to dress up as Lela and I’m not giving up on that dream. An ensemble costume would be even better. I’m going to start choosing my new friends based on their likeness to Fry, Amy and Hermes. If you’re holding onto the dream too, whip up some Popplers and Slurm.

Fontina Pond

Fontina Pond

Bob’s Burgers IS timely and hella easy to dress up as. Louise ears are readily available on Amazon and plain t-shirts, shorts and skirts easily make up the rest of the family. This might not work for potluck food, but if you’re hosting at your own home, a well placed chalkboard and these Burgers of the Day are sure to go over better than anything Bob pulls out of his own kitchen.

Last year was a double-costume year for me. I also went as Amy Pond. I have made countless Doctor Who recipes, but I think the best one for taking as a dish would be the Doctor Whoodles (bow tie pasta with cool ranch). But if you’re hosting, check out the other Eleventh Doctor recipes over there or the Twelfth Doctor recipes over here.

This year, I’m going as Finn from Adventure Time. Mostly because I don’t have a lot of time to put together a costume AND I’m a big enough of a dork to already have the full footy pajama set from ThinkGeek.com. So if you want to be my Jake, whip up some of these badass Jake and Rainicorn cupcakes and head my way.

If you are looking for some recipes that are less themed to your specific costume and more themed to the holiday itself, check out Blood-Spattered Donuts, Little Shot of Horrors and Abby Normal’s Quiche L’Brain (oh hey, Froderick Frahn-kensteen!).

Regardless of what you take, be a good guest and take something. Don’t go as Lazy & Ungrateful for Halloween… no one likes that costume.

Fontina has an Ohio heart and Philly spunk. She loves giving you recipes for hearty food, pop-culture puns and a hell of a lot of craft beer. You can find her in the kitchen, at the bar, on Twitter or marathoning episodes of Shin Chan or Bob's Burgers online.

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