Tagged Brunch


Topless o’ the Mornin’ to You Burger

My first post back was supposed to be a Bojack Horseman recipe. And it’s still coming. I promise. But hiccups are to be expected and I’m getting back on track with a Bob’s Burgers specialty. Last season’s premiere was a blast with several fan-animated scenes of the Belchers turning the restaurant into a top tier…

Luke Cage's Power Jam

Luke Cage’s Power Jam

A lot of us will be doing the same thing tonight. Marathoning Luke Cage on Netflix. Between the overblown-budgets of Disney/Marvel movies, the strange decisions that DC is making and the ever-disappointing Fox movies, a small little voice peeped up and said, “Hey. Hey guys. Let me show you what comic fans really want.” Just…

Goodbye Summer, It's Been Nice

Goodbye Summer Muffins

I am generally a summer Grinch. This summer wasn’t so bad. Lots of rain and a ruined garden. But it’s better than the past ten summers, I’d say. Regardless, I’m ready to usher in fall. But before that, i need some closure on this past season… So shove some of these Goodbye Summer Muffins in your…

Uji and Chapati


Hi friends. Welcome to a new segment of Bacon and Legs I’m calling Around the World In Tasty Days. I’m not making up any recipes here. I’m just reading about other countries and learning what they like to eat for breakfast, and then trying them out myself. I think it’s crazy how trapped we are…

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

There’s this up-and-coming actor… he’s hardly done a thing. Totally untalented. He’s a little homely. He has no charm, what-so-ever. He has this terrible British accent. People have a really hard time rooting for him. You probably haven’t even heard his name. It’s Beneduck Cucumberpatch. Or… something like that. Regardless, I see something in him…

Uber Epic Scramble

Uber Epic Scramble

For breakfast, scrambles are the tits. It’s simple and fucking delicious every time. I was throwing shit together the other day and it turned out so well that I had to write it down. This isn’t one of my egg white healthy shits. It’s got potatoes and sausage and cheese and it’s exactly what you’re…

Cocaine-Dusted Bearclaws

Cocaine-Dusted Bearclaws

Archer is back and … back to normal. After last season’s complete departure (to mixed reviews) from the typical super spy plotlines to the crazy drug-selling, country music-singing Archer Vice, the team is back in the office. The office that has been painstakingly remodeled to look exactly like the old one (with the exception of…

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