Tagged Holiday



This world has a long history of pig-and-cheese sandwiches. The most famous, I’m sure, is the croque monsieur: a French grilled ham and cheese topped with béchamel. England has their toasties. America has their monte cristos… which is basically a dumbed down croque monsieur that uses an egg mixture instead of béchamel. It’s all fucking…

You Hold the Key to My TARDIS

Hello, Sweetie

Hello, Sweetie, I baked for you. Here’s the thing. I love you all SO MUCH that, for Valentine’s Day, I baked you cookies. But not just any cookies, cookies from the heart. (Just the one though, I’m no Time Lord.) Here’s the other thing. As much as I love you, I love the Doctor more….

Gingerbread Challah

Gingerbraid (Gingerbread Challah)

We’re halfway through Hanukkah and on our way to Christmas. Living in a household that celebrates both holidays, I love combining them and making our own traditions. This year, I did just that by making some Gingerbread Challah. If there’s one thing that always disappoints about gingerbread, it’s that it’s not actual bread. If there’s…

Deluxe Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes

Deluxe Peppermint Mocha Porter Cupcakes

I bake cookies for Christmas all the time. Occasionally I throw in some candy or nuts. But how much can you really do with nuts? I wanted to embody what I love about Christmas into one dessert. Every year, just after Thanksgiving… or lately, just before… the Starbucks red cups come out and every year……

Boozy Figgy Pudding

Lil Fig Puddings with Boozy Caramel Sauce

I’ve been listening to some Christmas music… a lot of Christmas music… lately. But I’ve been actually listening to it and processing the lyrics. I have to say, I don’t like what I’m hearing. I’ve even put together my list of Top Five Most Fucked Up Christmas Songs. Merry Little Christmas – I thought this…

Bourbon Caramel Apple Pie

Bourbon Caramel Apple Pie

There’s something to be said about a solidly delicious pie after Thanksgiving dinner. It’s classic and comforting. Seeing as I’m not a pumpkin girl, I decided to go with an apple pie. I hear it’s American or something. Well, I American’d it up some more by adding some bourbon caramel to it. (Any excuse, right?) It’s…

Christmas Ale Stew

Christmas Ale Stew

As I write this column, the snow is falling outside my new place in the Cleve. I have moved from my beloved Philadelphia, where I have been for my entire adult life, back to my home state. While I am sad that I will be leaving so many wonderful people and places behind, I am…

Angels on Shrooms

Angels on Shrooms

I haven’t really done a Halloween recipe for you guys this year. This is likely the closest you’ll get. The vibrant orange of the mushrooms and the glossy black of the balsamic reduction make it festive enough for my liking. Next year I hope to be less busy and more in-your-face. I actually received these mushrooms,…

Sweet Dee's Christmas Strata

Sweet Dee’s Christmas Strata

It’s that time of year again where all the nerds step from their dark doorways, blinking into the bright summer sun, donning their bestest cosplay gear and nicest camera equipment, thrusting themselves into the sweaty world of comics, film and television with other like-minded individuals and the actors/writers/illustrators that turned them into the fanboys and…

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