Tagged Bacon


Fantastic Beasts and How To Eat Them

Two quick things about me. I love Harry Potter. I love Gene Wilder. These are relevant to one another, I promise. Just give me a second. So, when I was a kid, we’re gonna say 4 years old, definitely not a teenager, the first Harry Potter movie came out. I hadn’t read any of the…

Wings of Winter

The Wings of Winter

Tonight is the season 6 finale of Game of Thrones. If you watch the show, that’s not news to you. If you don’t watch the show, you don’t give a fuck. There will be some slight spoilers (show, book or otherwise). Leave or deal. The show is known for it’s epic penultimate episodes. Last week…

Miss Piggy-Wrapped Dates

A Date With Miss Piggy

I would like to start this column by saying it’s only kinda going to be about The Muppets. Yes, they have a new show coming out. I guess maybe you should watch it? I don’t know. I have mixed emotions about it. I think maybe The Muppets should never do anything again unless Jason Segel…

Grandpa Salad

Grandpa Salad

I was having a conversation with my mom about foods that we ate twenty years ago. A lot of it was stuff that she used to cook for us… but that turned to a conversation about stuff my Grandma used to make. Cinnamon ice cream, fried walleye, cheese sandwiches… and then my mom mentions wilted…

Fried PIckle Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Thing

American Pie

Patty Pizza, Patty Pizza, Bacon’s Jam Fry Me A Pickle As Fast As You Can Texture. It’s more important than most people give it credit for. It can be the make or break element of a dish. It’s also psychological and shit. I mean, I’m no psychologist… but I know having a lick of a…

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