Tagged Potluck

Classy as Fudge (Orange Chocolate Stout Fudge)

Classy as Fudge

As a follow up to last week’s beer-candied orange peel recipe, I wanted to give you guys another chance to cook with the Southern Tier Choklat Oranj. While the candy is delicious on its own, I wanted to use it to enhance another recipe: orange fudge. I’ve been wanting to make a fudge recipe that uses beer as an…

Holy Shit Snacks and Green Russians

Nerdy Costume Sidekicks

Some of you are dorks. Full-fledged, no-shame dorks. And I love you for that. You dorks that will be dressing up as your favorite TV, movie, book or video game characters for halloween… I love you even more. A lot of us don our dorky little costumes and then go off to a house party…

Maui CoCoNut Wowi Balls

Maui CoCoNut Wowi Balls

  Editor’s Note: Below is the column as it appeared on DrinkingCraft.com. I know what you’re all thinking. You’re thinking… I want a bite-sized appetizer that tastes like Hawaii, has beer in it… but also bacon and cheese. It’s like I’ve read your minds. This dish takes the pull-apart-bread aspect of monkeybread and combines it with…

Founder's Porter Pretzel Truffles

Founders Porter and Pretzel Truffles

There are few things greater in life than the combination of sweet and salty. Especially when the sweet component comes from chocolate. But I’m not about to be satisfied with that. I WANT to make it better. Oh wait, I did. I added beer. These easy-to-make/easier-to-eat Porter & Pretzel Chocolate truffles are going with you…

Amazeballs & Awesomesauce

Amaze Balls & Awesome Sauce

Hey you. You going to some barbecues this season? You want to impress the shit out of people with the dish you bring? Thank god. I’d hate to think slackers read my blog. Make this! It is what it says. AMAZE BALLS with an anything-but-delicate AWESOME SAUCE. It’s basically a savory monkey bread. Caramelized onions…

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