Tagged Snack

Lovely Lucille

The Walking Dead: Lovely Lucille

Walking Dead Spoilers. Barely. Whatever, just don’t complain. It’s not always easy being a Walking Dead fan. Deaths upon deaths. Lost body parts. Extreme personality shifts. Your favorite character could be gone in an instant. (I miss you, Chad Coleman!) This why I am protecting myself. I’m no longer allowing myself to get attached to these…

Opium Den Snack

Sherlock: Mid-Case Roast Beef Sandwich

I had removed myself from the food blogging game. It was a well-needed break and I’m not incredibly certain that I’m ready to jump back in. But here I am. In the middle of (what I consider to be) political turmoil and fighting clinical depression and crippling anxiety, I am here to provide you with snarky…

Luke Cage's Power Jam

Luke Cage’s Power Jam

A lot of us will be doing the same thing tonight. Marathoning Luke Cage on Netflix. Between the overblown-budgets of Disney/Marvel movies, the strange decisions that DC is making and the ever-disappointing Fox movies, a small little voice peeped up and said, “Hey. Hey guys. Let me show you what comic fans really want.” Just…

Mr. Peanutbutter's Puppy Chow

Mr. Peanutbutter’s Puppy Chow

You can ask pretty much any question to determine if you’re a Zoe or a Zelda… but there’s one question that won’t make a damn bit of difference. Do you like peanut butter? Your answer will either be “yes” or “I’m allergic.” There is no other option. I think that that also goes for Mr….

007 Layer Dip

007 Layer Dip

Anyone else obsessed with James Bond? Anyone? 

I feel like I don’t meet many females around my age that have gotten into the series. A lot of the guys that I’ve met have seen them. My mom is obsessed with Connery, so she’s definitely seen his. (She told me today she was watching Moonraker last…

Fried PIckle Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Thing

American Pie

Patty Pizza, Patty Pizza, Bacon’s Jam Fry Me A Pickle As Fast As You Can Texture. It’s more important than most people give it credit for. It can be the make or break element of a dish. It’s also psychological and shit. I mean, I’m no psychologist… but I know having a lick of a…

Beet Hummus

Beet the Beet Up Hummus

I am somewhere exactly in the middle of stereotypically girly and not girly. A lot like I’m somewhere in the middle of Leslie Knope and April Ludgate. While I can probably out-belch you and I will never complain about an action movie, I also love dresses and glitter and pink. I have a whole collection…



This world has a long history of pig-and-cheese sandwiches. The most famous, I’m sure, is the croque monsieur: a French grilled ham and cheese topped with béchamel. England has their toasties. America has their monte cristos… which is basically a dumbed down croque monsieur that uses an egg mixture instead of béchamel. It’s all fucking…

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