Tagged Citrus

Ecto Cooler Cream Pie

Ecto Cooler Cream Pie

As per my blogging formula: in celebration of the big thing happening this week, I made a theme recipe! Sure, tomorrow (Friday, July 15th) is a big day. Not only is Ghostbusters being released in theaters, but it’s my birthday. Which, I’m sure you already know and have movie tickets purchased and amazon gifts on…

Key (Lime) Peele Fudge

Key (Lime) Peele Fudge

I remember seeing the trailer for Keanu for the first time. I was so unbelievably stoked that we were getting a Key & Peele movie… ABOUT A CAT. My old cat lady heart grew three sizes that day. Make sure to go see it in theaters, TODAY (Friday, April 29th)!  Key & Peele on Comedy…

Goodbye Summer, It's Been Nice

Goodbye Summer Muffins

I am generally a summer Grinch. This summer wasn’t so bad. Lots of rain and a ruined garden. But it’s better than the past ten summers, I’d say. Regardless, I’m ready to usher in fall. But before that, i need some closure on this past season… So shove some of these Goodbye Summer Muffins in your…

LoCutie of Borg

Happy Birthday, LoCutie of Borg

You may ask yourself why a 30-year-old woman would have any interest in a 75-year-old man. If not for money … if not for fame … if not for some weird betrothal … then why? As a long-time fan of older men, I have plenty of reasons lined up. With Gene Wilder, it’s his humor,…

Lemon Bar Party

Lemon Bar Party

I’m a junkie. A fiend. I can’t stop, I always want it. I’m partaking now, as I write this column. LEMON. Lemon curd. Lemonade.  Lemon coconut balls. Lemon drops. Lemon garlic butter. Lemon cream pie. Lemon sorbet. Lemon bacon grilled cheese. Lemon blueberry muffins. Lemon macarons. Lemon thyme chicken. Lemon bars… seriously, I could keep…

Classy as Fudge (Orange Chocolate Stout Fudge)

Classy as Fudge

As a follow up to last week’s beer-candied orange peel recipe, I wanted to give you guys another chance to cook with the Southern Tier Choklat Oranj. While the candy is delicious on its own, I wanted to use it to enhance another recipe: orange fudge. I’ve been wanting to make a fudge recipe that uses beer as an…

Beer-Candied Orange Peels

Beer-Candied Orange Peels

As a maker of yummy edibles, my recipes often come from an inspiration ingredient. This week, that was so. While perusing my local bottle shop, I happened upon a bottle of Southern Tier’s newest offering, Choklat Orange. It’s a new version of their chocolate stout (Choklat). Mind you, I already know I love using Choklat as…

You Hold the Key to My TARDIS

Hello, Sweetie

Hello, Sweetie, I baked for you. Here’s the thing. I love you all SO MUCH that, for Valentine’s Day, I baked you cookies. But not just any cookies, cookies from the heart. (Just the one though, I’m no Time Lord.) Here’s the other thing. As much as I love you, I love the Doctor more….

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