Oinkies: Sugar Cookies with Coconut Bacon Glaze


When I started Bacon & Legs, I was more of a pun fan than a bacon fan. Sure, I loved it. Who doesn’t? ESPECIALLY recovering vegetarians. It was a remarkable treat. But the blog was more or less about fun comfort food with some wit. A few years later and bacon has woven itself into my life, whether I like it or not. (Not not. I do.)

Having this now be a staple in my life, I tend to gravitate toward things like, my bacon necklace with the googly eyes or the butcher diagram cookie cutter of a pig. Oh yeah, that cookie cutter… which I found on Etsy… inspired this recipe.

Well, the cookie cutter and my husband’s hatred for the best sugar cookies to ever grace this green Earth.

My mother’s sugar cookies are renowned by all, far and wide, as the best sugar cookies they’ve ever had.

I made them for him one Valentine’s Day. He also got food poisoning from Chinese food. Needless to say, he has a bad association.

So in an effort to make him some sugar cookies he can stomach, I made these. The cookie itself is a little sconey, but still super soft. A less sweet sugar cookie goes perfectly with the sweet saturation that you get from this icing.

The icing is… ri-god-damned-diculous. It’s a brown sugar and coconut glaze with… obvs… bacon.

So here you go. Sugar Cookies with Coconut Bacon Glaze. Or as I’ve been calling them: Oinkies.


Oinkies: for when you want your bacon to be pig-shaped.

(Sugar Cookies with Coconut Bacon Glaze)

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 ½ tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
1 ½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
cooking spray
coconut bacon glaze (recipe below)

In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, sour cream and vanilla.

In another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt. Add to wet mixture in segments until fully incorporated.

Scoop dough between two large sheets of wax paper. Wrap up and refrigerate at least four hours. (I usually leave it overnight.)

Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray cookie sheets with cooking spray.

Flour your work surface and roll dough out to about a ¼” thick. Cut with cookie cutter and place on cookie sheets. (Leave about an inch between each one.)

Bake 9-12 minutes. They should be golden around the edges. After they’ve been out of the oven for a minute or two, remove them to a wire rack to finish cooling.

When cool, spoon bacon glaze over the cookies and let set.

Coconut Bacon Glaze
½ cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp coconut extract
⅓ cup milk
6 strips of bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 cup powdered sugar

In a small sauce pan, melt butter. Whisk in brown sugar and cook for a few minutes until dark and bubble. Whisk in coconut extract and milk. Cook for another five minutes over low heat and whisking frequently. Remove from heat and stir in bacon and powdered sugar (a ¼ cup at a time). Spoon over cooled sugar cookies.

Fontina has an Ohio heart and Philly spunk. She loves giving you recipes for hearty food, pop-culture puns and a hell of a lot of craft beer. You can find her in the kitchen, at the bar, on Twitter or marathoning episodes of Shin Chan or Bob's Burgers online.

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