Anytime Peacemaker

The Peacemaker and Lots of It

I know this has been all over the news, but I just wanted to put it out there in case you hadn’t seen it.

Austin Beerworks, of Austin, TX (obvi) has created a limited time packaging of 99 cans of their Peacemaker Anytime Ale. (Does anyone else think of that George Clooney movie? No? Just me?) It’s apparently a light and super drinkable, Centennial hopped ale that rings in at a 5% abv. The 99-pack is only $99.99 and from what I hear, is quite a steal.

The gimmick, while only available in their limited area, is shoving their name onto the forefront of every beer-based news source I know of. I know that I’m certainly not a Texas resident and I have seen it all over the place. So any loss of profit they are taking from the discount is going to repay them in marketing.

From a designer’s standpoint: I love the packaging. Not only the ginormousness of it, but the actual layout itself. Clean and simple, easy to read with a nice blend of modern and classic elements.

From a beer drinker’s standpoint: I’m picky about my beers and something that recommends you serve it cold and uses terms like “slight…character” and “faint… aroma” makes me think it will be pretty flavorless. The price is also an indicator, regardless of the publicity they are getting, that it may taste like a cheap beer. That being said, I’d want to try it. I just have my reservations about committing to 99 of these suckers.

So you guys go ahead and try it. Let me know how it is. Take one down, pass the word around.

Image from 

Fontina has an Ohio heart and Philly spunk. She loves giving you recipes for hearty food, pop-culture puns and a hell of a lot of craft beer. You can find her in the kitchen, at the bar, on Twitter or marathoning episodes of Shin Chan or Bob's Burgers online.

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