Tagged Editorial

No. 13

Lady Doctor

There has been a great deal of hemming and hawing over the announcement of the 13th Doctor. Jodie Whitaker. I’d just like to say, stahp. Nothing you say or do is going to change it, so just stop. And complaining about gender? What is this, 1940? Well, maybe in some episodes. But not now. Grow…

It Gets Better (with Chips)

Doritos Are Gay

I usually share a great deal with you, my wonderful and adored readers. Nothing is too personal… tweeting on the toilet, cats shitting on my carpet, when I forget to shower… Which is why I feel bad only giving you vague details now. So I promise to share as much as I am comfortable with….

Fontina and Beer

Flavorful World Interview

I was contacted this month by the very sweet and funny Anthony from flavorfulworld.com. He asked if he could interview me as their featured blogger this month. I am obviously not going to say no to that! The questions were well thought out and insightful and I was really honored he knew so much about…

Anytime Peacemaker

The Peacemaker and Lots of It

I know this has been all over the news, but I just wanted to put it out there in case you hadn’t seen it. Austin Beerworks, of Austin, TX (obvi) has created a limited time packaging of 99 cans of their Peacemaker Anytime Ale. (Does anyone else think of that George Clooney movie? No? Just…

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