Tagged Leftovers

Go Home, Burger. You're Drunk.

Go Home, Burger. You’re Drunk.

I guess you could call me a craft beer enthusiast… as in, I’m enthused about drinking delicious beers and lots of them. Not usually all in one setting, but occasionally I over-serve myself. Usually when this happens, I’m out at a bar. I can tell you exactly how it goes down. Around the time I…

Thanksgiving Leftover Monkeybread

Thanksgiving Balls

I know this is the time of year that all of the blogs are like, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO WITH THANKSGIVING LEFTOVERS. And it’s like, turkey cranberry sandwich. Or turkey salad. Or some crap like that. Well guess what! I’m no different: Hey guys, I have this great idea of what to do with Thanksgiving…

Everything Bagel Strata

Bagel Pudding: Two Ways

Every Friday, my office has a Bagel Friday. Mountains of bagels, cream cheeses and other various toppings. Due to trouble with the supplier, our lovely tradition has come to an end. Last Friday was the end of Bagel Friday. /Cue simultaneous crying and sigh of waistline-relief/ Every Monday, my office has a ton of leftover…


Cheese Fry Grilled Cheese

I follow enough food blogs and watch enough Food Network to know that I’m supposed to include a cute little life anecdote with each of my recipes. Well, I have news for you. My anecdotes aren’t always so cute. That being said: So last weekend I got really smashed. The next day I couldn’t eat…

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