Tagged Easy

The Four Cocktails of the Apocalypse

The Four Cocktails of the Apocalypse

Look. I don’t think it’s any surprise that I’m into comic books. I know everyone is in love with what Marvel Cinematic Universe is doing right now. I get it. It’s huge and it’s epic and who doesn’t love the fucking Avengers? The storylines are fairly thorough and the characters are well-portrayed. But you know…

Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Sixteen Candles: Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Netflix added Sixteen Candles last week and I’m super stoked. (Apparently so is everyone else. It’s one of the top viewed things on Netflix right now.) I am a big fan of all of the John Hughes movies, but especially the Molly Ringwald ones. That girl is pure magic. Not to mention the music in…

Key (Lime) Peele Fudge

Key (Lime) Peele Fudge

I remember seeing the trailer for Keanu for the first time. I was so unbelievably stoked that we were getting a Key & Peele movie… ABOUT A CAT. My old cat lady heart grew three sizes that day. Make sure to go see it in theaters, TODAY (Friday, April 29th)!  Key & Peele on Comedy…

American Dad's Captain Crunch Veggie Tempura

American Dad’s Food Restaurant

Sometimes, I relate to Roger Smith and his constant need to be someone else, be absolutely crazy and mostly to wear lots and lots of wigs. Sometimes, I relate to Hailey Smith when I’m being annoyingly leftist and getting in people’s faces about their opinions (knowing full well I’m not able to change their minds)….

Cabbage Rolls a la Agent Peggy Carter

Carter Rolls

A full season in and I’m torn. Agent Carter was difficult to get into, had a hard time holding my attention AND I’ve already forgotten most of the plot of season one. But you ask, “Oh, did you watch Agent Carter?” and I’ll emphatically say “Yes! I loved it!” What the hell is that all…

Little Wampa's Hoth and Ready Pizza

Little Wampa’s Hoth & Ready Pizza

It’s not easy, opening up a pizzeria with only one arm. Have you ever tried to toss dough? It’s hard enough to do with two arms … then you factor in keeping the fur out of everything … Little Wampa, an ironic nickname given to him by his friends, didn’t let this stop him from…

Miss Piggy-Wrapped Dates

A Date With Miss Piggy

I would like to start this column by saying it’s only kinda going to be about The Muppets. Yes, they have a new show coming out. I guess maybe you should watch it? I don’t know. I have mixed emotions about it. I think maybe The Muppets should never do anything again unless Jason Segel…

Grandpa Salad

Grandpa Salad

I was having a conversation with my mom about foods that we ate twenty years ago. A lot of it was stuff that she used to cook for us… but that turned to a conversation about stuff my Grandma used to make. Cinnamon ice cream, fried walleye, cheese sandwiches… and then my mom mentions wilted…

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