Tagged Doctor Who

No. 13

Lady Doctor

There has been a great deal of hemming and hawing over the announcement of the 13th Doctor. Jodie Whitaker. I’d just like to say, stahp. Nothing you say or do is going to change it, so just stop. And complaining about gender? What is this, 1940? Well, maybe in some episodes. But not now. Grow…

Doctor Capaldi

Doctor Who: This World Is Protected

Is this world important?  Important? What’s that mean, important? Six billion people live here, is that important? Yes, Doctor. This world IS important. It’s ours. For years now, I’ve been creating recipes honoring the doctor. This year, I decided to open it up to the rest of the 6 billion people on this planet. I…

Doctor Who Freebies

Doctor Who Contest

Who will be the Fourth Doctor… Recipe? A few years ago, I met the most amazing man. He took me on adventures to far away lands, introduced me to the most interesting characters and really touched me in ways I had never known. His face has changed through the years but his hearts have not….

You Hold the Key to My TARDIS

Hello, Sweetie

Hello, Sweetie, I baked for you. Here’s the thing. I love you all SO MUCH that, for Valentine’s Day, I baked you cookies. But not just any cookies, cookies from the heart. (Just the one though, I’m no Time Lord.) Here’s the other thing. As much as I love you, I love the Doctor more….

Doctor Who just grew up.

Dinner with the Twelfth Doctor (Who?)

Dinner with the Twelfth Doctor (Who?) Num-ber 12! Num-ber 12! Num-ber 12! While we’re all deeply sad to lose Matt Smith, the amazingly energetic, intimate and raggedy incarnation of the doctor, I think it’s safe to say we’re all pretty damn excited for Peter Capaldi. It’s exciting ANY time we get a new Doctor, but…

A Feast for the Doctor

A Feast for the Doctor

This column originally ran on HoboTrashcan.com. About half a year ago, I didn’t even know “Who” wasn’t The Doctor’s last name. Once I started watching the show, it took me under two months to make my way through all of the modern episodes. (Time to start the old ones!) I knew once I got going…

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