Tagged Classic

Abby Normal's Quiche L'Brain

Abby Normal’s Quiche L’Brain

In my attempt to seem as outdated as possible, I’ve dedicated my HoboTrashcan Halloween column this year to a movie that is ten years older than myself… Young Frankenstein. I can’t help it, it doesn’t age. I’m also hoping that Gene Wilder will follow suit and doesn’t age. That’d be great. I know it’s not…

Super Easy Peanut Butter Pie

Peanut Butter Pie

If there’s one thing that I love more than cheese, it’s… well, it’s beer. But following closely behind that, it’s peanut butter. People are always making chocolate/peanut butter shit. And while that’s amazing, it’s completely and utterly unnecessary. Peanut butter is absolutely amazing on it’s own. This is a recipe I picked up from a…

Skinny AF Chicago Dog

Skinny AF Chicago Dog

I know, I know. Labor Day means the end of summer. But I’m pretty sure you can have hot dogs whenever the hell you want. I’m kind of obsessed with hot dogs. Side note and unsponsored plug for a place I really love: there’s a great hot dog place in Philly on 17th street called…

Chicken Brat Pie

Chicken Brat Pie

I grew up on hearty, delicious, simple comfort food. To this day, my favorite foods revolve around the recipes my mom made for me when I was a kid. One of my ultimate favorites and what I always want when I’m sick is not chicken noodle soup, (cause I’m a fat kid at heart) but…

Pepperoni Pizza Monkeybread

Pepperoni Pizza Monkeybread

What’s better than pizza? Bite-sized pizza balls. This is by no means a fancy recipe. I started playing around with this recipe a few years ago and it has since become a staple in my household. Plus, I like to make anything ball-shaped so I can make some good old-fashioned Schweddy-ball-style jokes. ‘Cause apparently, I’m…

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