Before there was nerdery, there was a whole collection of comfort food and craft beer recipes. Explore and enjoy.

Oinkies: Sugar Cookies with Coconut Bacon Glaze


When I started Bacon & Legs, I was more of a pun fan than a bacon fan. Sure, I loved it. Who doesn’t? ESPECIALLY recovering vegetarians. It was a remarkable treat. But the blog was more or less about fun comfort food with some wit. A few years later and bacon has woven itself into…

The Real BLT

The Real BLT (Bacon, Legs and Tomato)

For years now you have been deceived. You’ve spent your whole life without the proper understanding of something that is supposed to be classic and perfect. I’m here to bring you the truth. BLT does not stand for Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato. BLT stands for Bacon, Legs and Tomato. It’s just been sitting there waiting…

Uber Epic Scramble

Uber Epic Scramble

For breakfast, scrambles are the tits. It’s simple and fucking delicious every time. I was throwing shit together the other day and it turned out so well that I had to write it down. This isn’t one of my egg white healthy shits. It’s got potatoes and sausage and cheese and it’s exactly what you’re…

Spam in a Snuggie

Spam in a Snuggie

We all change. Our palettes develop. We become more refined. But I had this hunch that my palette does not think it’s too good for Spam. I think it’s one of those things where it gets a bad rep because it’s processed, packaged in a can and has one of those gross-long shelf lives. But…



Having just moved to Ohio, I have very few friends in the area. I was pumped when this wonderful, charming girl (who I kinda know) wanted to hang out. Friend date! I offered to cook for her. She said she liked Mexican food and cheese and she tries to steer clear of gluten. I love…

Chicken Caesar Salad Grilled Cheese

Chicken Caesar Grilled Cheese

I’ve always thought that life was a cruel bitch for making New Years resolutions come around just when it’s getting bitter cold out. All you want to do is hunker down inside and eat something hearty and warm but you’re bombarded with all of this guilt to better yourself. Let me tell ya: as I…

Chicken Mango Tacos and Avocado Crema

Taco Your Damn Tuesday

I’m not one to do cute weekday-themed meals every week. Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday… it all seems great in theory but I’m just not that dedicated. It’s more like Cereal and String Cheese Monday and Shit, Did I Eat Dinner Tuesday. In an effort to be, not only cute, but a semi-responsible adult, I’m fixing…

Winter Sangria Chicken

Winter Sangria Chicken

Typically, I drink beer. Which means I happened to have full bottles of wine just hanging out in my house. Life is hard, right? So I grabbed a bottle of pinot grigio and some of this winter fruit that came out of my stocking and I put it to good use. It’s a perfect easy…

Pork 'n' Bean Grilled Cheese

Pork ‘n’ Bean Grilled Cheese

The concept of comfort food is really dependent on your life experiences. But whoever you are, there’s nothing better than comfort food in the dead cold of January. Personally, I love grilled cheese, mashed potatoes, baked beans, mac and cheese, chicken pot pie… shit, now I’m hungry. Which is why I’m happy I did this……

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