Tagged Tea

LoCutie of Borg

Happy Birthday, LoCutie of Borg

You may ask yourself why a 30-year-old woman would have any interest in a 75-year-old man. If not for money … if not for fame … if not for some weird betrothal … then why? As a long-time fan of older men, I have plenty of reasons lined up. With Gene Wilder, it’s his humor,…

Earl Grey Scones with Limoncello Glaze

Earl Grey Scones with Limoncello Glaze

There’s really no crazy backstory to this recipe. I just wanted to make a lovely little nibble for my more refined friends. I had made a delicious Earl Grey Soda awhile back (the Patrick Stewart-themed Make It Soda). It was mostly well-received, but I did hear from a friend that having Earl Grey flavor in…

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