Tagged Smoky

American Jam Stand

American Jam Stand

There aren’t many things that says “late summer” better than fresh, ripe, juicy tomatoes. Usually there’s an abundance of them. Whether you grow them yourself or get a good deal on them at the grocery store or farmer’s market, they are bound to show up on your kitchen counter. Try making something new with them…

Black Bean Bowl

Anchor Porter Black Bean Bowls

I’ve done it you guys. I’ve shared the secret of my existence. Black bean bowls. I literally cook a pound of black beans every week and eat them throughout. I usually add some chicken sausage and veggies. It’s a no-brainer. It’s super quick and easy, it tastes great and it’s nutritious. Then I had the…


Smoky Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

I’m mostly a savory-for-breakfast kind of girl. But I get sick of the same old crap all time. On weekends I like to spice it up a little. This is a perfect breakfast, buttloads of nutrition AND flavor. Not to mention, it’s the perfect amount of filling. Smoky Quinoa Breakfast Bowl 1/4 cup quinoa, cooked…

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