Tagged Sausage

Sausage Gravy and Hop Stoopid

Little Sumpin’ Stoopid

If there’s one thing I know, it’s comfort food. I grew up on it. My mom always made the best shit. One of my favorites, though we didn’t get it often, was sausage, gravy and biscuits. When brainstorming recipes for DrinkingCraft.com, I like to play to my strengths and try to enhance the already awesome…

Black Bean Bowl

Anchor Porter Black Bean Bowls

I’ve done it you guys. I’ve shared the secret of my existence. Black bean bowls. I literally cook a pound of black beans every week and eat them throughout. I usually add some chicken sausage and veggies. It’s a no-brainer. It’s super quick and easy, it tastes great and it’s nutritious. Then I had the…

Scrapple Apple Grilled Cheese

Scrapple Apple Grilled Cheese

I’m from Ohio. When I moved to Philly seven years ago, the words “What the hell is scrapple!?” fell out of my mouth, quickly followed by an “ew, are you kidding me!?” I fancy myself pretty open-minded about food, but a pork leftover mash-up loaf just didn’t sound appealing to me. Over the years, I…

Abby Normal's Quiche L'Brain

Abby Normal’s Quiche L’Brain

In my attempt to seem as outdated as possible, I’ve dedicated my HoboTrashcan Halloween column this year to a movie that is ten years older than myself… Young Frankenstein. I can’t help it, it doesn’t age. I’m also hoping that Gene Wilder will follow suit and doesn’t age. That’d be great. I know it’s not…

Epic, Legit, Easy Cronuts

A Very Bacon Birthday

One year ago today, I posted my first recipe on Bacon and Legs. It was tasty, but not very pretty and the photography was definitely uninspired. I think I’ve come a long way throughout the past year. I’ve settled into my niche, I’ve found my voice and my recipes have improved as has my photography….

Lord Varys' No Bean Chili

Lord Varys’ No-Bean Chili

To most of you, it is Memorial Day Weekend. That’s cool, I’m on board. I get an extra day off. And this recipe is good for that. It’s stupidly-easy, amazingly delicious and a great accompaniment to burgers and brats. You can throw it together, drink beer, hang with your friends, come back to it later…

Chicken Brat Pie

Chicken Brat Pie

I grew up on hearty, delicious, simple comfort food. To this day, my favorite foods revolve around the recipes my mom made for me when I was a kid. One of my ultimate favorites and what I always want when I’m sick is not chicken noodle soup, (cause I’m a fat kid at heart) but…

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