Tagged Game Day

Better than chips... crack chips

Crack Chips

I love baseball. I can get behind basketball. But I don’t love football. What I DO love about football is the excitement, friendly rivalries and massive amounts of beer and junk food that surround football fandom. So I can get behind the football culture, regardless of whether or not I give a shit about the…

Pepperoni Pizza Monkeybread

Pepperoni Pizza Monkeybread

What’s better than pizza? Bite-sized pizza balls. This is by no means a fancy recipe. I started playing around with this recipe a few years ago and it has since become a staple in my household. Plus, I like to make anything ball-shaped so I can make some good old-fashioned Schweddy-ball-style jokes. ‘Cause apparently, I’m…

Ultimate Buffalo Grilled Cheese

Ultimate Buffalo Grilled Cheese

When you’re grilling yourself a cheese (Archer reference… anyone?), I think the most important ingredient is your cheese. Ok, big fat no brainer. But it IS the make or break aspect of your sandwich. You could drown an insect in the right kind of cheese and I’d still eat it… … did I whet your…

Smoky Portobello Caps

Smoky Loaded Portobello Caps

I really wanted to do a healthy-ish super bowl menu this year. Mostly just to leave caloric room for all of the beer that currently resides in my house. This was great in theory, but I still ended up eating massive amounts of all of the healthy food. So oops. I had a couple favorite…


Loaded Potato Grilled Cheese

I have a lot of ambitions in life. Some are noble, some are completely selfish and some fall smack dab in the middle. One of the biggest ones, I’m going to put in the middle category. TO MAKE THE BEST GRILLED CHEESES ON THE EAST COAST. I am going to push it toward noble just…

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