Tagged Caramel

Boozy Figgy Pudding

Lil Fig Puddings with Boozy Caramel Sauce

I’ve been listening to some Christmas music… a lot of Christmas music… lately. But I’ve been actually listening to it and processing the lyrics. I have to say, I don’t like what I’m hearing. I’ve even put together my list of Top Five Most Fucked Up Christmas Songs. Merry Little Christmas – I thought this…

Bourbon Caramel Apple Pie

Bourbon Caramel Apple Pie

There’s something to be said about a solidly delicious pie after Thanksgiving dinner. It’s classic and comforting. Seeing as I’m not a pumpkin girl, I decided to go with an apple pie. I hear it’s American or something. Well, I American’d it up some more by adding some bourbon caramel to it. (Any excuse, right?) It’s…

Murtant Turtle Babies

Mutant Turtle Babies

Genius. Badass. Trivial Pursuit Champ. Inventor of Revolutionary Devices. Protector. Witty. Master of Ninjitsu. Why wouldn’t I have had a massive crush on Donatello as a child? I was big into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Being a child of the late 80s/early 90s… I don’t really even think it was an option. I watched…

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