Tagged Traditional

Gingerbread Challah

Gingerbraid (Gingerbread Challah)

We’re halfway through Hanukkah and on our way to Christmas. Living in a household that celebrates both holidays, I love combining them and making our own traditions. This year, I did just that by making some Gingerbread Challah. If there’s one thing that always disappoints about gingerbread, it’s that it’s not actual bread. If there’s…

Skinny AF Chicago Dog

Skinny AF Chicago Dog

I know, I know. Labor Day means the end of summer. But I’m pretty sure you can have hot dogs whenever the hell you want. I’m kind of obsessed with hot dogs. Side note and unsponsored plug for a place I really love: there’s a great hot dog place in Philly on 17th street called…

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