Tagged Spread

Luke Cage's Power Jam

Luke Cage’s Power Jam

A lot of us will be doing the same thing tonight. Marathoning Luke Cage on Netflix. Between the overblown-budgets of Disney/Marvel movies, the strange decisions that DC is making and the ever-disappointing Fox movies, a small little voice peeped up and said, “Hey. Hey guys. Let me show you what comic fans really want.” Just…

Fergie's Redemption Dip

Fergie’s Redemption Dip

Fuck yeah, Super Bowl!! I actually don’t give a shit. I’m one of the countless Americans that tune in every year for the commercials and use it as an excuse to eat junk food. I’m in advertising by day, so I’m pretty hard on the ads, but its happy-fun-critique time with a beer in my…

American Jam Stand

American Jam Stand

There aren’t many things that says “late summer” better than fresh, ripe, juicy tomatoes. Usually there’s an abundance of them. Whether you grow them yourself or get a good deal on them at the grocery store or farmer’s market, they are bound to show up on your kitchen counter. Try making something new with them…

Avocado Beanie Baby Dip

Avocado Beanie Baby Dip

Warm weather always makes me want to eat a little healthier, lighter, faster, funner. (Funner?) A quick, healthy thing to whip up is this Avocado Beanie Baby Dip. I promise, no Beanie Babies were harmed in the making of this dip. It uses a can of butter beans (also known as baby lima beans) and…

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