Tagged Pink

Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Sixteen Candles: Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Netflix added Sixteen Candles last week and I’m super stoked. (Apparently so is everyone else. It’s one of the top viewed things on Netflix right now.) I am a big fan of all of the John Hughes movies, but especially the Molly Ringwald ones. That girl is pure magic. Not to mention the music in…

Beet Hummus

Beet the Beet Up Hummus

I am somewhere exactly in the middle of stereotypically girly and not girly. A lot like I’m somewhere in the middle of Leslie Knope and April Ludgate. While I can probably out-belch you and I will never complain about an action movie, I also love dresses and glitter and pink. I have a whole collection…

Jake's [Adventure] Time Sandwich

Jake’s Time Sandwich

Life is busy as shit. I know I’m not the only one. I can barely keep up and I don’t have things like kids or a yard. That’s how I know that you guys are all just like me (or worse). You have “your shows” and you don’t watch them. No matter how much you…

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