Tagged Pastry

Cocaine-Dusted Bearclaws

Cocaine-Dusted Bearclaws

Archer is back and … back to normal. After last season’s complete departure (to mixed reviews) from the typical super spy plotlines to the crazy drug-selling, country music-singing Archer Vice, the team is back in the office. The office that has been painstakingly remodeled to look exactly like the old one (with the exception of…

Doctor Who just grew up.

Dinner with the Twelfth Doctor (Who?)

Dinner with the Twelfth Doctor (Who?) Num-ber 12! Num-ber 12! Num-ber 12! While we’re all deeply sad to lose Matt Smith, the amazingly energetic, intimate and raggedy incarnation of the doctor, I think it’s safe to say we’re all pretty damn excited for Peter Capaldi. It’s exciting ANY time we get a new Doctor, but…

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