Tagged John Hughes

Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Sixteen Candles: Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Netflix added Sixteen Candles last week and I’m super stoked. (Apparently so is everyone else. It’s one of the top viewed things on Netflix right now.) I am a big fan of all of the John Hughes movies, but especially the Molly Ringwald ones. That girl is pure magic. Not to mention the music in…

Breakfast Club Breakfast

The Breakfast Club Breakfast

It’s a classic. You’ve all seen it and you all love it. So to get you in the back-to-school state of mind, whether you have kids or not, I whipped up some Breakfast Club-themed breakfast recipes. Because there is nothing more quintessentially SCHOOL DAYS than our favorite group of misfits. There’s a recipe to fit…

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