Tagged Hot Dogs

Equality Dogs and Tacos

Innies and Outies

This is my third attempt at writing this column. The problem is… there is so much to say and so many different ways to say it. Honestly, writers much better than me have done it justice where I will inevitably come up short. My first column was a short story about a society where people…

Wang it.

Wiener Wangs

Welcome to the new and improved Bacon and Legs! I’ve been working super hard to develop a site that is easier for you to navigate, has more space for all of this deliciousness and better expresses the Bacon and Legs brand. In launching this, I thought… what better way to usher in the new era…

Mad Men Munchies

Mad Men Munchies

I don’t know what this thing is where series’ get off on extending their final installment over the course of two years. Breaking it up. Just call it a fucking extra season, man. Mad Men’s final season starts on Sunday. Well you know, kind of. The first part of it. The second part will be…

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