Tagged Entertaining

Maui CoCoNut Wowi Balls

Maui CoCoNut Wowi Balls

  Editor’s Note: Below is the column as it appeared on DrinkingCraft.com. I know what you’re all thinking. You’re thinking… I want a bite-sized appetizer that tastes like Hawaii, has beer in it… but also bacon and cheese. It’s like I’ve read your minds. This dish takes the pull-apart-bread aspect of monkeybread and combines it with…

IPA Key Lime Cheesecake

IPA Key Lime Cheesecake

It’s summer. The last thing you want to serve your guests is milk and cookies, warm from the oven. Though you want something a little fancier than store-bought ice cream, amiright? I figured now was the perfect time to bust out this Key LImePA Cheesecake. Tart key limes and Ithaca Brewing Company’s Fleur de Belgique,…

Earl Grey Scones with Limoncello Glaze

Earl Grey Scones with Limoncello Glaze

There’s really no crazy backstory to this recipe. I just wanted to make a lovely little nibble for my more refined friends. I had made a delicious Earl Grey Soda awhile back (the Patrick Stewart-themed Make It Soda). It was mostly well-received, but I did hear from a friend that having Earl Grey flavor in…

Porky Porter Cups

Porky Porter Cups

Sometimes I get a little touchy about a subject and I let it come through in my writing. This is one of those times. I write a column for DrinkingCraft.com which is much less punchy than what you read here. This week’s may have had a tiny bit of punch to it. I created a…

Founder's Porter Pretzel Truffles

Founders Porter and Pretzel Truffles

There are few things greater in life than the combination of sweet and salty. Especially when the sweet component comes from chocolate. But I’m not about to be satisfied with that. I WANT to make it better. Oh wait, I did. I added beer. These easy-to-make/easier-to-eat Porter & Pretzel Chocolate truffles are going with you…

Victory Lager & 4-Cheese Soft Pretzels

Victory Lager & 4-Cheese Pretzels

Hows about some Philadelphia in your mouth!? Head over to DrinkingCraft.com and check out my latest Ode to Philly. (I know I do it a lot, but I can’t help it, I love this town!) I’ve put together some delicious, pillowy soft pretzels using the light, crisp and too-easily chuggable Victory Lager. Loaded with four…

Thanksgiving Leftover Monkeybread

Thanksgiving Balls

I know this is the time of year that all of the blogs are like, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO WITH THANKSGIVING LEFTOVERS. And it’s like, turkey cranberry sandwich. Or turkey salad. Or some crap like that. Well guess what! I’m no different: Hey guys, I have this great idea of what to do with Thanksgiving…

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