Tagged Cake

Welcome to the Upside Down (Cake)

Stranger Things: Part Two

Editor’s Note: The lovely and talented @lipsticknlager of Twitter and Instagram fame has graced us with a couple of glorious Stranger Things-themed recipes. Below is part two. It’s delicious. I know this, because LipstickNLager is my friend. And friends don’t lie.  I bet you guys thought you’d get rid of my easily, right? Back to…

Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Sixteen Candles: Pink Lemonade Ombré Layer Cake

Netflix added Sixteen Candles last week and I’m super stoked. (Apparently so is everyone else. It’s one of the top viewed things on Netflix right now.) I am a big fan of all of the John Hughes movies, but especially the Molly Ringwald ones. That girl is pure magic. Not to mention the music in…

Man Candy Layer Cake

Cowboys 4 Angel Food Cake

I’d say I have a handful of guilty pleasures, but I don’t really care for the term. I have a handful of interests that lie outside of the spectrum of sophisticated entertainment and I am not ashamed of it. (I actually have way more than a handful of these, but that’s not as poetic-sounding.) I…

Animal Crossing Cupcakes

Animal Crossing Cupcakes

I’m like, 12. Or at least I act it sometimes. I think that’s a big part of the reason I’m not a mom. I’d end up yelling at the kid that it’s MY turn to play the video game. I watch cartoons, I collect toys and I play video games. I know a lot of…

Pumpkin Spice Invasion Cupcakes

Pumpkin Spice Invasion Cupcakes

I know the internet has it’s panties in a bunch about America’s pumpkin spice invasion. Is there an increasingly excessive amount of pumpkin spice products on the market each fall? Hell yes there are. But guess what… and brace yourself, because you won’t believe this… you don’t have to buy them. But you do have…

Handheld Cake & Ice Cream

Makin’ Birthday Whoopie

It’s tradition in my household that every September 14th, there is an ice cream cake. It’s my husband’s birthday and from the time we started dating, I knew that it was something his mom had done for him. So from the first year I spent his birthday with him, I’d made sure he had an…

Neapolitan Whoopie Pies

Neapolitan Whoopie Pies

It’s summer, my little freaks! That means barbecues, cold beers and ice cream. Fuck it, it’s too hot for barbecues. How about just cold beers and ice cream? I whipped up a recipe that incorporates the flavors of both of those things, without actually being either of those things. (Just to keep you guys on…

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