Tagged Bread Pudding

Harley's Puddin'

Harley’s Red Velvet Puddin’

As a Marvel girl, I have to say… it’s exciting to be this jazzed about a DC film. As a coulrophobe, it’s even more exciting to be jazzed about a film that features a character with heavy face makeup. Suicide Squad comes out tomorrow (Friday, August 5th) and you should definitely check it out. But…

Everything Bagel Strata

Bagel Pudding: Two Ways

Every Friday, my office has a Bagel Friday. Mountains of bagels, cream cheeses and other various toppings. Due to trouble with the supplier, our lovely tradition has come to an end. Last Friday was the end of Bagel Friday. /Cue simultaneous crying and sigh of waistline-relief/ Every Monday, my office has a ton of leftover…

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