Tagged Blueberry

Luke Cage's Power Jam

Luke Cage’s Power Jam

A lot of us will be doing the same thing tonight. Marathoning Luke Cage on Netflix. Between the overblown-budgets of Disney/Marvel movies, the strange decisions that DC is making and the ever-disappointing Fox movies, a small little voice peeped up and said, “Hey. Hey guys. Let me show you what comic fans really want.” Just…

Goodbye Summer, It's Been Nice

Goodbye Summer Muffins

I am generally a summer Grinch. This summer wasn’t so bad. Lots of rain and a ruined garden. But it’s better than the past ten summers, I’d say. Regardless, I’m ready to usher in fall. But before that, i need some closure on this past season… So shove some of these Goodbye Summer Muffins in your…

Bacon and Blueberry Crostini

Bacon & Blueberry Crostini

You know how sometimes we just need a quick, easy, impressive recipe? Cause someone’s coming over and we don’t have a lot of time… or cause we want to be fabulous and we don’t have a lot of time… ooorrrr in my case, we don’t want to miss posting on the blog this week, but…

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